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POST LOCKDOWN: 2020 – 2022

Closure of the “Lockdown Collection” leads inevitably to a period of transition; and with it slight discomfort as one approaches the unknown territory of change, the only comfort being the knowledge that as the 5th decade as a Designer-Maker moves forward, I’ve ‘been here before,’ and have always found it helpful to look back before moving forward.

Re-visiting old sketchbooks, far from feeling retro can be remarkably stimulating. Established skills and long experience creating refreshed insight, this suggesting possibilities for creative development. The last time this happened, past and present merged, signposting future promise, the outcome of which was a significant piece of work.

“Phoenix” was created in 2020, is now in a private Collection in Ireland, and heralded potential change. However the effect of Covid, enforced isolation and temporary closure of the workshop altered those possibilities. Small scale working at home became the safe, temporary alterative.

With Forward Motion tentatively restored, it’s time to begin the next creative chapter: “The Phoenix Project…….?”